HMO Dental Insurance VS Dental Discount Plans
When shopping for dental insurance and or a dental plan, it can get to become over whelming if you are not sure what is best for you and your dental needs.
Dental Discount Plans A discount plan is really great if you have current dental needs that have to be address right away. Such as a toothache. Since most dental discount plans start the next business day from signing up. Thus allowing you to see the dentist right away as well as reducing your dental costs. Another great benefit with a discount plan is that you get discounted saving off on dental services that may not be covered under most dental insurance plans. Such as Whitening, Veneers and Implants to name a few.
Note: A dental discount plan is not dental insurance, therefore it is not a filed product with the department of insurance. You must stay within the network of providers . Only the network dentist have agree to reduce or discount their cost to you as a plan member.
Dental HMOs insurance: DHMO refers to a dental health maintenance organization These insurance plans, also known as “capitation plans,” operate like their medical HMO cousins. This type of dental plan provides a comprehensive dental care to enrolled patients through designated provider office. Generally speaking HMO do not have waiting periods, yearly maximum limitations or deductibles.
Like a dental discount plan you have to go to dentist that participate in the plans network. There is no out side net work coverage. companies that sell HMO dental insurance plans are regulated by state insurance departments. What was stated is generally how each type of plan works. However, each plan is different that is why it is important to read and understand the plans terms and conditions before making your final choice.